Pope proposes three progressive candidates for conservative Swiss diocese, election body rejects them all lifesitenews.com
In a historic move, the 22 members of the cathedral canons called to elect a new bishop of the Diocese of Chur in Grisons, Switzerland rejected with a majority the list of three candidates for the new bishop. Chur has been traditionally the last conservative diocese of the generally very liberal Catholic dioceses in Switzerland. The Pope's list had three clearly progressivist candidates, all of whom were now rejected by the dome chapter.
The last bishop of Chur, Vitus Huonder, was known for his strong stance against abortion and Communion for “remarried” divorcees. He had issued in February of 2017 guidelines on marriage, reaffirming the Church's continuous teaching against Communion for divorced and “remarried” couples. Huonder had also re-iterated Humanae Vitae's rejection of contraceptives. Since Huonder's retirement a year and a half ago, the diocese was left without a bishop since there are many forces in liberal Switzerland who wish for a liberalizing new bishop who would be less “controversial” and more adapting to the zeitgeist…
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