About Genuflect Daily

Man reading newspaper that is on fire

Catholic News You Care About

Genuflect Daily curates the latest Catholic news that you care about. Everyday we find the top stories on topics like Catholicism, Saints, and The Vatican … from the United States, worldwide, and all across the Internet. You won’t find any RSS feeds automatically populating our site. Every story on Genuflect Daily is hand picked with you in mind.

We invite you to personalize Genuflect Daily by submitting Catholic news stories that interest you. It takes just a minute to register with Genuflect Daily and you can also upvote all your favorite stories. Join us and become a Genuflector today!

The Birth of Genuflect Daily

The predecessor of Genuflect Daily was a curated news page on our Catholic site Genuflect.net.

Founded in August of 2018, Genuflect’s mission is to 1) help Catholics deepen their relationship with God, 2) prepare for the afterlife they desire, and 3) equip Catholics everywhere to go out into the world and share their faith.

Each week, Genuflect’s email delivers the best hand-picked information on a relevant Catholic topic. It’s an opportunity to take a deep dive into the areas of the Catholic faith that have drifted down below the everyday conscious. Editorial topics include our life of Catholicism, Catholic Doctrine, the Saints, the Pope, and Catholic prayer. Your faith will be strengthened — even restored — through better understanding of Catholicism.

In 2020, the news page was moved here to its own home where Catholic news could take center stage.

Using Genuflect Daily

Reading Stories

Most story headline links on Genuflect Daily take you directly to the original news source where you can read the article in full. However, sometimes clicking a headline will take you to a summary of the story on Genuflect Daily. For example, the story headlines at the top in the “Trending Now” slider, as well as in the “Recommended Stories” area. But the summary story pages contain the link to read the full article on the source site.

Submitting a Story

When you register with Genuflect Daily, you can submit stories to be published on the site. To submit a story, click the + icon in the top right side of the site and add the story URL in the form. Click the red link that reads “Get Title and Description” to auto populate the story’s Title and Description. If available, the story’s image will also be automatically pulled too.

You’ll need to select a Category for the story. And click the Submit button when you’re done.

Sample form to submit a story to Genuflect Daily

And that’s all there is to it! Your story will be submitted to us for approval before publishing.

Upvoting Stories

Logged in members can upvote stories. To do this click the upvote button located to the left of each story headline in the list of stories:

Upvote button for stories

Popular Stories will display in the sidebar.

Commenting on Stories

Logged in members can comment on story summaries on Genuflect Daily. You’ll find our Comment Policy here.

Reaching Out

Thanks for stopping by. We’re glad you’re here. We’d love to hear what you think about Genuflect Daily. And let us know if you have any questions about Genuflect Daily or Genuflect. You can get in touch with us here.

Keep Believing-

Katy Barrilleaux
Founding Editor, Genuflect Daily and Genuflect

Photo by Nijwam Swargiary on Unsplash