Marking the Assumption of Mary, Archbishop Cordileone Gets Creative Amid COVID Limits
As the state of California has reverted back to more stringent regulations given the coronavirus health crisis, another crisis — one of faith — has resurfaced entering the lives of many Catholics starving for the sacraments including the most Holy Eucharist. In the Archdiocese of San Francisco, three counties have been placed on a ‘watchlist’ that closed churches to indoor services. The first phase of lockdown in California began in mid-March, leaving the Faithful only with Livestream. For a short time beginning in mid-June, churches were granted the ability to open for indoor services at 25 percent capacity or 100 people before a new wave of lockdown orders were issued. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is now taking matters into his own hands, creatively finding ways to maximize opportunities for the Faithful to attend Mass…
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