Chad: Outrage over the assault of a priest, at a parish, by security forces
On the morning of 3 November 2021, Archbishop Djitangar said, "men in military uniform," claiming to be members of the Chadian army, forced their way into the courtyard of Blessed Isidore Bakanja Parish in the country's capital, N'Djamena. They behaved "without any respect for the people and place where they were," the Archbishop denounced. When the Parish Priest asked why they were there and if they had a search warrant justifying their presence, "he was first insulted and then assaulted and had his phone snatched away," the Archbishop said.
Religious intolerance by those who should protect
"We denounce certain attitudes and behaviours of contempt that some compatriots hold towards the religious beliefs of others," wrote Archbishop Djitangar. "This is a form of intolerance that should have no place in a plural society like ours," he continued. Those who behave in this way are "at war with God" because God does not despise any prayer made with a sincere heart, regardless of the religious affiliation of the believer," he said…
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